Showing Christ Before We're Gathered

Showing Christ Before We're Gathered

In the last post, we discussed how the church is the Body of Christ and the Light of the World, and how this not only causes us to gather, but shapes what our gathering is like.  These are the two realities which will guide the rest of this series. When we come together, it is because we are together in the Body of Christ.  And when we come together, Christ is on display to each other (If you haven’t read that post yet, please do so, you can find it here).

This is quite the challenge before us.  How are we to display Christ to others? What does that look like? Philippians 2 may help us here:

So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus. -Philippians 2:1-5

Is there any encouragement in Christ? Yes! Any comfort from love in Christ? Any affection or sympathy from Christ? Any participation in the Spirit? Yes, yes, and yes! Because we have received encouragement, comfort, and sympathy from Christ, we are in a position to present the same to others (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).  What does this look like? Do nothing from selfish ambition, humbly consider others are more significant than yourself. Look to the interest of others, be thoughtful and intentional in how you treat others. Extend grace to those around you.

What does this look like, before we’re gathered? Here are some thoughts of what this might look like.

How We Pray – During the week pray that God would stir up in you genuine Christ-like love for those around you.  Pray for the church generally-that we be united and used for God’s glory, and specifically-for individuals, whether you’ve just met or have known for many years, that you can be used by God for his good work in them.  Pray that God will use his word to teach you, and that you will be heartily willing and ready to serve others around you.

Where We Park – Looking to the interest of others may look like parking as far away as you can.  As we move to Single-Service, parking is going to be difficult, that’s no question. Yet, we have ample spots available across the street and a deputy to help cross the street.  If you’re able, park further away. This will free up spots for visitors, or those who are physically burdened, or with small children, or those who just happen to be running late that week.  How wonderful it is, to serve the church before you’ve even stepped foot into the building!

How We Greet Each Other – Showing Christ to others may mean looking for those whom you have just met, or never met, and making a point to greet them.  If someone seems new, it may look like helping them with where to check in their toddler. It might mean asking if they would like to sit with you during service.  It may mean, finally saying hello to someone you’ve seen for years every Sunday but never had a chance to speak with them. Showing the love of Christ certainly means letting them see your love in how you talk with them.  For me, I struggle sometimes to show love and this is where I believe prayer is so vital.  As we pray that Christ will increase our love for others, even specifically by name, we can rest assured he will answer that prayer.

Where We Sit – Extending grace to others might affect where you sit.  We’ll be more crowded for sure, so sitting closer up front and into the middle of the rows will allow others to more easily find a seat.  Bonus: if you’re sitting in the middle, rather than camping out next to an aisle, you won’t be distracted as others have to climb over you to find a seat!

When We Arrive – Plan to arrive early, to have time to park further, to greet and serve others, and to be ready for our worship service to begin.

Previous: What is the Church and Why do we Gather?

Up Next: Showing Christ While We’re Gathered